TAMIDS is pleased to announce its Research Affiliates Program. The aim of the program is to increase internal and external visibility for Texas A&M Data Science researchers, and to involve them in developing and joining activities under the auspices of TAMIDS.
The TAMIDS Research Affiliates Program is open to all Texas A&M faculty (in tenure, professional, instructional, research, and other tracks), research scientists, postdoctoral researchers, and administration and operations staff and professionals, whose role and interests include Data Science. A separate affiliates program for graduate and undergraduate students will be announced later.
If you are interested in becoming a TAMIDS Research Affiliate, please complete the survey concerning interests in Data Science and TAMIDS activities at: forms.gle/kKeHwunUB6nvwvRB6
Information concerning affiliates will be added to the searchable listing at the TAMIDS website: https://tamids.tamu.edu/2019/06/21/tamids-research-affiliates/